You, your family, and your friends are all invited to Capla-Con 2024, my annual festival of nerdity. Like last year, the venue is Carow Hall at the GMU Fairfax campus. Address: 4460 Rockfish Creek Lane, Fairfax, VA, 22030. Unlike last year, however, the air conditioning will be turned on, so attendees may geek out in comfort.
Activities include:
Tabletop games! I’ll make a menu of my home-brewed role-playing games available, along with a vast array of more traditional games. Want to teach others a new game? Bring it? Want to learn new games? Opportunities abound.
Party games! Over 80 people showed up last year, so if you want to run charades, Werewolf, or any other activity requiring a room full of participants, this is your big chance.
Karaoke! Carow has a big screen, and I’ve got a mighty speaker with four wireless mics.
Conversation! This is a great chance to make new friends and re-connect with old ones. Most guests are local, but quite a few make long journeys across the country and the world to attend.
Fandom! Many of your favorite bloggers, professors, think tankers, and more are likely to attend. I’ve never known any to refuse an autograph or a photo op.
Capla-Con is open house format, running noon to midnight both days. Drop in for as little or as long as you like. And as always at my events, kids of all ages are ultra-welcome. I’ve even written special role-playing games for young players, including the world’s only karaoke RPG, Space Opera: The Musical, a story about teenage musical rebels fighting alien domination in a dystopian future.
Abundant snacks are available over the whole duration, with catered dinner around 6 PM both days. No alcohol, though.
Want to organize an event? Your best route is to post it on the official Facebook page, but you can also just share your idea in the comments.
Hope you can make it! Please RSVP (acceptances only!) in the comments. Also feel free to coordinate ride-sharing in the comments.
P.S. If you don’t see me at the event, I’m probably running a game down the hall in my office at 11 Carow Hall. Don’t be shy about introducing yourself. ;-)
I'll be there! Probably bringing 4 other people in a carpool from New York.
I'll be there!