I’ve spent years telling Tyler Cowen that conventional price indices are upwardly biased, so his stagnationist views are wrong. And he’s spent years replying that my views are sadly out-of-date. In this piece, the highly up-to-date Scott Winship unequivocally reaffirms the classic view that indices are indeed upwardly biased. Indeed, the old Boskin Report was probably too cautious:
The chart shows that from 1969 to 2012, the PCE and my extended C-CPI-U series indicate that prices rose by a factor of 5, while the CPI-U-RS gives the ratio as 5.5 and the CPI-U as 6.3. These distinctions are important. If nominal income—income prior to taking the rising cost of living into account—rose by a factor of 7.2 over this period (as my own estimates suggest), using the CPI-U to adjust for inflation would give the conclusion that “real” income rose by 16 percent. Using the PCE or C-CPI-U, we would conclude that real income rose by 45 percent—nearly three times as much. For comparison, the CPI-U-RS would indicate a 31 percent increase—substantially lower than the estimate from indices that fully take substitution into account.
And even this is not the end of the story, because even the PCE deflator is likely to overstate the rise in the cost of living…
Winship then speculates on why people are so resistant to the correct view:
In large measure, the reason is that analysts have tended to take their cues from the Census Bureau, which uses the CPI-U-RS for its income trend figures (but, inexplicably, still uses the CPI-U to adjust the poverty thresholds each year for trend analyses). Very few researchers—even within academia—have expertise in the methodologies of price adjustment (I do not either), so they trust in the decisions of the Census Bureau. I suspect that the Census Bureau uses the CPI-U-RS rather than the PCE deflator partly out of inertia and wanting to stay somewhat consistent with past publications and practices. There may also be internal political considerations, as the Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics often collaborate, and the latter has been in charge of developing the CPI family of indices.
There is also the reality that many parties in Washington and many outside parties interested in influencing Washington have biases in favor of analyses that convey gloomier news. Advocates and politicians on the left want to promote agendas that involve redistribution and more government intervention into markets. Politicians on the right, meanwhile, must tend to middle class anxieties (and most of these policymakers mistakenly believe, along with other Americans, that our problems are worse than they appear). Policymakers from both parties have an interest in painting a dour picture of the economy when their opponents are in power.
Meanwhile, academic and policy researchers on the left often believe that economic problems are relatively great, and so results that reinforce the view that we have calamitous problems help generate support for their preferred policies. Researchers across the ideological spectrum—and their institutions and funders—want to attract attention, which creates a bias in favor of more dramatic results. And journalists are largely left-leaning*, making them predisposed to believe gloomy economic news, eager to help people in need through their writing, and disproportionately likely to have relationships with left-leaning researchers producing work that corresponds with their priors. Even moderate and conservative journalists face pressures to find and report on dramatic results; if it bleeds it leads. Finally, the spread of overly gloomy results to policymakers, consumers of news, and citizens tend to give people the impression that things are worse than they are, reinforcing many of the dynamics that incentivize gloomy news in the first place. People are generally more pessimistic and negative in polling that asks about the economic problems of others than they are when asked about their own economic situation.
Parting words:
These are powerful forces working against knowledge of the state of our living standards. If you’ve read this far, the challenge is yours to accept: produce a reason to disbelieve the case I have made or change your priors about how well we are doing and hold others accountable in producing, disseminating, and publicizing economic research that conveys the truth as best it can.
The post appeared first on Econlib.
Another thing: Market basket measures, like PPP, underestimate the poverty of "third world" countries.
Edited to Add: This isn't my original idea. It comes from: https://ideas.repec.org/p/ecm/latm04/75.html
For example, let's say a Filipino barber can cut 3000 heads of hair per year. If you buy him a $50 electric razor, he can cut 4000 heads of hair per year. Let's say a haircut costs $15 in the US, so that's an added PPP value of $15,000. A US barber who could cut 1,000 more heads of hair per year would make $15,000 more. But haircuts in the Philippines are about 100 pesos each: $1.71 USD. So, this is increase in productivity only amounts to 100,000 pesos or $1710 USD more.
Both Filipino and American barbers would love to spend their money on iPhones. An iPhone 15 costs about 57,000 pesos. (About $973 USD) So a Filipino barber cutting 1,000 more heads of hair in the Philippines can buy about 1.75 more iPhones than before. An iPhone 15 in the US costs $799 (actually cheaper than in the Philippines!) So an American barber cutting 1,000 more heads of hair in America can buy 18.77 more iPhones! Both might have a total PPP productivity of $60,000 per year, but the American barber is clearly richer.
Also, if you we're an investor, and you just looked at the PPP numbers, you might think: "Wow! A $50 investment can increase productivity by $15,000? hWhy isn't everyone investing in the Philippines?" But in actuality, a $50 investment in a Filipino barber only increases productivity by $1710 USD. Still good, but not as good.
Versus: Imagine a $50 investment in an improvement to a Chinese factory that increases widget production by 1000 widgets per year. They sell for $30 (216.80 RMB). Materials cost $15. So $15 markup. (108.40 RMB). Whether the widgets are sold in China or the US, they sell for essentially the same price in USD. So, in terms of PPP, investing in this factory improvement increases productivity by $15,000. Same as the investment in Filipino barbers. But in nominal terms, it's much higher: $15,000 vs $1710. ROI of 29,900% vs 3320%. So, better to invest in a Chinese factory than a Filipino barber.
I don't know hwhy China is more export-oriented than the Philippines. Why doesn't the Philippines set up more factories? I don't know. But I do know that being export-oriented and getting foreigners' money is key to economic success! And one of the reasons hwhy investors don't invest more in third-world countries, despite impressive PPP GDP growth, is because the nominal returns aren't as impressive. American investors want more USD, not more haircuts, not more PHP. And lack of foreign investment holds these countries back from further GDP growth. Both nominal and PPP.
I'm generally an optimist. But I think inflation measures underestimate true inflation. Note: I am Canadian so I'm a lil more familiar with the Canadian situation, so I will discuss things from that perspective. I have three main reasons: The most common CPI measures used by the Central Bank for monetary policy purposely exclude outliers, CPI understates the rise in housing costs and CPI understates the effect of fluctuating foreign exchange.
1. The most common CPI measures used by the Central Bank for monetary policy purposely exclude outliers: The Bank of Canada prefers to use CPI-trim, CPI-median and CPI common. Both CPI-trim and CPI-common are both designed to exclude items with very high inflation or deflation. So, if gas prices went up a lot, the CPI-trim and CPI-median ignore them! So, inflation doesn't look as bad.
2. The CPI basket doesn't adequately account for rising housing prices. StatsCan doesn't fully account for housing costs for owned housing because they consider housing to be an investment asset, not a consumer good. i.e. If you buy a house for $700,000, you will get that $700k back. And then some. So, it's not right to consider the $700k as consumed, unlike, say, a cookie. If you spend $700k on a cookie and then eat that cookie, it's gone. You don't get that $700k back. This is a good point. But I will address the problem with that, a little later. But first, let's consider how home prices are reflected in the CPI basket:
* Rent: Rent paid by renters represents about 6.7% of the market basket
* Mortgage interest: Interest rates can rise due to rising interest rates or rising house prices. So rising home prices are indirectly reflected in mortgage interest. This represents about 3.5% of the market basket. hWhich seems a little low, tbh. I suspect that most Canadian homeowners are spending a lot more than 3.5% of their income on mortgage interest. Interestingly, prior to 2021, StatsCan only included new homes in the mortgage interest measure. Not resale homes.
* Property taxes: Since these are based on home prices, this indirectly reflects housing prices. But it is a very small part of the basket. In fact it's bundled with "Other owned accommodation expenses" which represent about 3.1% of the market basket.
* Finally, we have Homeowner's replacement cost. Which is basically depreciation. This represents 5.6% of the market balance. But I take issue with the way this number is calculated. They take aggregate housing prices and (lazily) multiply them by a (national?) house/property ratio (which they don't tell us!) then multiply that by 1.5%. Interestingly, the Canada Revenue Agency allows a Capital Cost Allowance of 4% and up on rental buildings. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF2ayWcJfxo )
So, 1.5% depreciation seems rather low. Let's assume the building is about 50% of the total house price, for a $700,000 home. That's $5250 per year. Or $437.50 per month of depreciation. Yea, I think it's more than that.
But, even if these figures accurately reflect the amounts and share of income that Canadians spend on the "consumed" part of housing and StatsCan is right to exclude housing prices in general, cause they are an "investment asset". OK, but this "investment" crowds out other investments! If you didn't have to spend so much on a downpayment and mortgage payments, you could invest more in other assets like stocks, mutual funds and ETFs. Although housing prices are high and rising too fast, compared to consumer goods, as an investment assets, they are lousy! An $200,000 house purchased in Jan 2005, would be worth about $618,000 today. $200,000 invested in QQQ in 2005, would be worth about $2,488,000 today. That's a HUGE opportunity cost! And a big damper on Canadians' ability to build long-term wealth. Perhaps, this doesn't belong in the CPI, but hwhere does it belong? hWhere do we measure this?
3. The CPI doesn't accurately reflect fluctuating exchange rates. In June 2011, 1 USD cost $0.978 CAD. In June 2019, 1 USD cost $1.354 CAD. That's a 38.4% increase. Over the same time period, the Bank of Canada's inflation calculator said inflation was up by 13.8%. I know that not everything we consume is imported. But a lot of it is! So, given the increased cost of imports, I'd expect inflation over this time period to be, idk, at least half of 38.4%. Even if we're not importing, we're exporting. A Canadian farmer sells to both Canadians and Americans. Seeing the cost of the USD go up by 38.4%, that means it costs him more to buy an American tractor. So, he raises the price of his corn from $1 CAD per ear to $1.25 CAD per ear. Given the changing exchange rate, that went from $1.02 USD to 92 cents USD. For Americans, that's a bargain. They're paying less. But Canadians are paying more. Given that we're a small country, I think a LOT is either imported or exported. So, given the HUGE increase in the price of USD vs the small increase in the official CPI, yea... I think CPI figures are undercounting the true rise in the cost of living. I'm not sure hwhy or how, but they are.