When I was tooling up for Bet On It, I opted for Wordpress over Substack in order to have greater design flexibility. After a month on Wordpress, I am happy to admit that I made a mistake.
If it was a small mistake, I would just stick to my initial path. But I'm now convinced that it was a big mistake. Everyone says Substack is much less buggy, and the positive network externalities look serious.
Upshot: I'm ignoring sunk costs and switching to Substack. Starting Monday, April 4, expect all new Bet On It content to appear on betonit.substack.com. All past Bet On It content will be moved over as well. And if you already subscribed to Bet On It, your subscription should be automatically carried over. (Though you may want to check because the Wordpress version had some issues with subscriptions).
Sorry for the small disruption, and I look forward to seeing readers on Substack from here on out!
Hooray! Glad to have you here! Disquss is awful; I am very glad to not have to deal with that anymore.
For the two of you (like me) left in the universe who still use RSS feeds, the RSS feed is now https://betonit.substack.com/feed.