Signaling: The Play
My friend Jason Ford wrote this little play, inspired by The Case Against Education. Enjoy!
Three Mercedes
By Jason Ford
(The Admissions Office at Foxmoor College in the Philadelphia Suburbs. Bart Amblin, the Head of Admissions, is seated at his desk.)
BART (on phone)
Send in the next candidate please.
(Enter Melissa Morely, fashionably dressed)
Melissa, thank you for coming! I view this interview process as both a chance for us to learn about you and also for you to find out if Foxmoor is right for you. We offer a world-class academic environment, respect for the student’s voice, and a commitment to teaching every student ethical leadership so they can go help the world with all the challenges we face. Why are you interested in enrolling at Foxmoor College?
Thanks for inviting me! Well, it’s like this. My dad Joey Morley was a top Mercedes salesman. You’ve heard the ads, right? (Singing) “Morley Mercedes”
“For only the best.”
You got it! It’s a great dealership. We’ve been in business 30 years. So I graduated from high school last year and was gonna work at the dealership, which I’d been doing all through high school. If you count appearing in the ads, I’ve been working there since I was a baby. But then dad collapsed and died on the showroom floor a few months ago.
That’s horrible.
Thanks. (Composes herself). Anyhow, he didn’t leave a will and me and my four brothers and sisters couldn’t figure out who was going to get the dealership, so we’re just going to sell down the inventory and then sell the dealership altogether and split the profits. So, I’m gonna be without a job, right? And any dealership where you get a decent commission—the high-end stuff—they want a college degree. Got me to researching. Turns out college is a great investment. I did my research and found the ROI on your college—
Return on investment. Anyway, the ROI on Foxmoor College —figuring tuition and future increased earnings—is the best in the Philadelphia area. So I thought we could make a deal.
College isn’t about the money you earn.
It’s the selling point for me. Looking at your price– I want to offer you three new Mercedes in exchange for four years of tuition. That’s a great deal—do the math, it’s almost wholesale. Take a look. (Hands brochure) I circled the ones we’ve got available.
We don’t do trades. We’ve got–
It’s perfectly legal. We traded one car to a contractor in exchange for adding some rooms to our house. But the key to trades is you have to report it as income to the IRS. My dad always said, “Sell, but don’t lie.“ Do you want to test drive this model? I can have it here in under an hour.
We’ve got a financial services office to deal with…
I saw that your chief executive Dr. Ferris…
Our college president.
Yeah. Sorry. Anyway, he’s 52 and recently divorced. Wouldn’t he want a Mercedes? I can forward you a link to send to him.
I’m sure he isn’t interested. Let’s get back to the point of this interview.
You might be surprised. Could you call him?
We can deal with finances later. Let’s talk about your academic interests.
I don’t have the cash on hand. But you know what…this presents a unique marketing opportunity. We could do a live broadcast. Hey, when I point to you, I’m going to hold up the phone and you say, “Help Mercedes Missy go to college.”
Can we please take this seriously?
Oh come on! it’ll be fun.
We’ve got limited time here.
I’ll be quick. (Turns on phone) Hey, everyone, it’s Mercedes Missy with big, big news! Mercedes Missy is going to college! We’re broadcasting live from the admissions office of Foxmoor College. Mr. Amblin, tell us about Foxmoor. (Turns the phone on Bart.)
Um…Foxmoor College is one of the most highly rated small Liberals Arts Colleges in the country with some of the world’s leading professors and a commitment to diversity and…
(Turns the phone back to herself)
And that means it’s awesome! The perfect place for your favorite car girl to get smart! Now because it’s a special day, we’ve got a special sale! For the first three buyers who qualify, we’re giving ten percent off all new models. Ordinary is fine for ordinary people, but I know some of you out there want only the best! Are you that special one of a kind we built the C Class Coupe for? Ron from Jenkintown, thank you! Eliza from Mount Airy, you got yourself a deal! Oh look at that! Sid all the way from Reading, you made it under the wire! I’m so sorry, Carolyn from Narberth, you missed by the tiniest second. But don’t worry! Be sure to stop by Joey Morley’s Mercedes for more great deals! (Hangs up phone) Got the money now. Let’s sign the forms. Thank you for your patience.
Did you really just sell three cars? Wow. We can’t sign any form. You haven’t applied yet.
I don’t need to apply. No credit checks necessary–I’m paying cash.
That’s great. But we’re a selective college. We only admit one out of every six applicants.
No offense, but you should sell some franchises. You’re leaving money on the table.
This isn’t a college for everybody.
Okay, I’ll make you a deal. I was looking over the options you offer. How about I pay full price, but you don’t have to worry about the dorm option? And you throw in a free parking space. This offer is only good for today. (Hands him a pen)
It’s not about the money. We have to see if you’re a good fit here.
Based on what?
We take a holistic approach. Strengths, interests, life experience. We’re trying to bring together a diverse pool of students who will insure a rich intellectual life on campus and build a community that encourages people to do good for the world.
All right. What do you want to know about me?
What was your high school grade point average?
I ain’t stupid. (hands over papers) I pulled a 3.8 at Upper Merion Area High School and SAT scores that are competitive for who you got here now. I did my market research.
That’s good. So what are your academic interests?
Well, the economics major is the best ROI, so that’s a no-brainer.
Is there a subject you want to study out of general interest?
Look, I could sit here and tell you I’m gonna get really interested in philosophy or something. But that’s lying, not selling. I just sat through one of your philosophy classes.
Did you get permission before doing that?
There were lots of empty seats. Besides, if you wanted to buy a car from us, we’d let you take it on a test drive. So what’s wrong with…
Next time, ask. I’m sorry you didn’t find it interesting. But keep an open mind. You may find you like the classics once you delve in. We look for people who are academically motivated.
And maybe you get some people like that. We got this twenty-year old trust fund kid who waits outside the door the first day the latest S-Class Coupe is available. So we say “We’ve been saving the rubellite red metallic for you!” And he’s always driving out of there with the papers signed by like 7:15 a.m. We’d love it if all our customers were like that. But we gotta make deals with anyone. Two or three students were talking with the professor about Socrates and most of the rest of the class were on their smart phones. So you already have lots of people like me. What’s one more?
Smart phones. It’s pathetic.
But you admitted them. Why don’t you judge me against them?
We’re looking for those people who want to discuss Socrates. Maybe it’s not that many, but I celebrate the ones we get.
One of the students fell asleep and that’s real distracting, you know? At least I’ll stay awake so I won’t bother the students who want to talk about Socrates. So you get my money, the Socrates fans can talk about Socrates, and everyone wins.
Maybe this school is not for you.
Keep an open mind.
Fine, I’ll ask the standard questions. Outside of academics, what skills can you bring to Foxmoor that will help us as a community?
So besides paying all this cash, I gotta work for you?
You’re not just the consumer here. Foxmoor is a community where people learn from and help each other so they can then go help the world.
Hmmm. Okay, here’s one thing I can do. I’ve organized a lot of displays when we’ve had sales drives. Balloons in the corner, sheet cake with pictures of the cars, that sort of thing. One time, we had all the staff dress like it was the prom. So if you need someone to organize a formal dance…
That’s not what I mean. Let’s discuss some specific examples. Do you play a musical instrument?
No. But if you need to hire musicians, you’d be amazed at how cheap you can find them. We had a Christmas sale and we brought in the bluegrass band, the Big Sandy River Boys to “a country style Christmas sales event.” Here’s their card. (Bart doesn’t take it.) Now you think bluegrass wouldn’t work in Philly, right? But we had a great sales week and they were working for…
Yes, right. Were you on any sports teams?
I was at school until 3, at the dealership until 7, and then home for dinner and homework. Sorry if I didn’t have a chance for piano lessons and soccer. But my dad really needed the help there. His health hadn’t been good for years. Never admitted it. So that’s how I spent my time. How does that fit in with that holistic thing you were talking about?
Fair point. Sometimes I wonder if we define these things too narrowly. I spent a lot of time when I was a kid visiting my grandmother in the nursing home, but was told that wasn’t the sort of thing you put on a college application.
Don’t you hate when people get all superior when you’re the one helping the family? I love my sister, but she’s never helped out at the dealership and is always giving me crap that I wear too much makeup—which you have to do to get sales. And then she thinks she’s so superior because she’s reading books all the time. But I’m putting her food on the table.
That would tick me off too. The last standard question is as follows: Foxmoor College is an institution committed to diversity. How would your planned college experience help us achieve this goal of becoming a more diverse and inclusive community?
You know, I shouldn’t put down my sister. That dealership thing is the only thing we argue about. Otherwise, real sweet, real smart, reads a book a week—and I mean, hard books—for fun. She could apply here for next fall. Believe me, you admit us both, you got diversity. You won’t believe we’re from the same family! And she might even care about Socrates. Especially if I say that I don’t.
That’s not what I mean. Many people of our community who come from a place of privilege are taking a good hard look about how they treat people of color both consciously and unconsciously. Do you have any thoughts about that?
It’s not something we talked about at the dealership.
I wouldn’t have expected you would have, but..
If we don’t treat a customer right, that’s money out of our pocket. When the Philadelphia Eagles break training camp, we always get like a dozen players to come over and buy a Mercedes. Black players, white players, one guy from Samoa….
So you treat people of color nicely only to get money out of them?
Okay, so you don’t want to let in people who are prejudiced, right? I know where you’re coming from. Had this one guy apply at the dealership and he seemed real good until he said something bad about Arabs. They buy cars too, you know? So forget hiring him. Anyone can stand up in school assembly and say we gotta fight racism and prejudice and stuff. Me, I learned to treat everyone good every day so that we could keep the dealership going.
Interesting perspective. So got any questions for me?
Am I getting in?
I’ll be honest; you’re an unusual candidate. But maybe it would be good to have someone like you.
Please let me know soon. Classes start in a week.
You have to apply by January 15th, unless you wanted to go early decision. In any case, you’d be applying for a space for next September.
I can’t afford to wait a year. Try to get into the car sales business with only a high school diploma and you’re looking at selling used Chevys at Big Ed’s Car-o-rama if you’re lucky. And the commissions suck. If we want to make a deal, it’s got to be for this year.
We’ve already selected the class for this year.
I told you I don’t need a dorm room. I show up, you take my money, who’s going to care? Except your finance department who will thank you for making it easier to pay your bills.
We spent a great deal of time putting together the best possible class. We strive for a variety of interests, talents, backgrounds.
Am I going to mess up that perfect balance you have? Don’t try to tell me this is precision engineering.
Look, I said you’d be a strong candidate. But you have to go through the process like anyone else.
How about we do a one-semester trial? If you don’t like me after one semester, I’ll leave, no questions asked. But in the meantime, I’ll be great for you. What harm can it do to try?
It would undermine the integrity of the admissions process. Do you have any questions for me?
One thing. You’ve talked about your students helping the world. So how do they do that here? Got any charities you do?
Is that a serious question? (She nods) The Tygard housing project borders the campus and we do initiatives over there.
(Opens her smart phone to look at picture of the area) Oh yeah, your college looks like a mansion next to a dump.
Please don’t call it a dump. We know there’s a disparity and we try to help. If you’re interested in working on that initiative, I’ll make a note of it. Our students tutor their kids, act as mentors.
That’s awesome. How’s it going?
Just okay?
We get a lot of first-year students coming in who are enthusiastic about helping the world. They sign up to volunteer to help tutor and do it for a while. It’s rare to find a sophomore who still does it.
I bet that’s like our sales drives. We announce a new one, get the staff fired up, and everyone’s super into it on the first day. But keep it up a few weeks and people lose the energy, they forget to wear their buttons…
That’s human nature. But people miss the point of a college education if they never volunteer.
Morely Mercedes is real involved in charity. We donate a few cars every year to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. They raffled them off at their annual gala. I was the company representative at the gala last year. (Shows Smart Phone) Here’s a picture of me there. You know what we could do? Throw a big scholarship fundraiser gala on campus for the kids at Tygard. Invite everyone at Tygard, call the newspapers…I know how to do this.
That’s a really interesting idea. If you get in next year, I urge you to try.
“If”? I can’t afford “if”. You need to tell me now if you’ll take me. If not, I’ll go to the college in the area with the second highest ROI. If they don’t take me, I’ll go the third highest, and so on, until someone takes me. Why not you guys? Don’t you really want that gala to happen?
It might be good. But I really shouldn’t change procedures.
Can I talk to your manager?
Well, I’m the manager here.
Okay. Then thank you for your time. (They shake hands)
Thank you. It’s been good..and interesting..talking to you.
(Starts to exit) You know what? You can have my idea for free. You really should throw that gala.
It’s a good idea. Although I don’t know if we could convince the students and administration to go along with something like that. You’d need to convince a lot of people.
You heard me sell three Mercedes. (exit)
(Bart pauses for a moment and then opens door.)
Melissa! (Picks up phone) Juan, is there a young woman walking past your office? That’s her. Could you please tell her to come back here?
The post appeared first on Econlib.