Open Borders Philanthropy Bleg
Question from a reader. Any fruitful ideas?
Dear Prof. Caplan,
I’ve long been intuitively in favor of open borders, but
it is only recently that I have spent a bit of time reading the literature both
for and against this case. Perhaps
unsurprisingly, I’ve found a couple of your papers particularly persuasive both
morally and empirically.
My question is, what now?
I’m currently in a situation where I have more free time than free cash
flow, and I’ve been looking for opportunities to volunteer for a cause that I
am passionate for, but also one where I can have a tangible impact. Which is surprisingly hard to find.
As a long-time advocate of open borders I thought you
might have some ideas of organizations that are doing good work in this area
and need volunteers? I’m based in New
York City, and would be happy to do work that was local, but also happy to help
online if that’s what is needed.
Appreciate any information or advice that you are willing
to share.
The post appeared first on Econlib.