When my The Case Against Education released, the American Enterprise Institute was immensely supportive. Rick Hess, its Director of Education Policy Studies, sponsored this fun debate with Eric Hanushek:
Nat Malkus, AEI’s Deputy Director of Education Policy Studies, interviewed me as well.
The upshot is that I am only too happy to publicize Hess and Malkus’ 2024 Education Policy Academy. If you’re a grad student interested in education, please apply for their small, all-expenses paid workshop in Washington, DC.
Does it really count as a party? In my book, yes! Dates: May 20-23, 2024. Details:
AEI’s Education Policy Academy is an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington for 20 promising graduate students in education or education-related fields in the first through third years of their studies. Through a series of seminars and working lunches led by experts from across the nation, attendees explore key aspects of how education policy is actually made—from educational leadership to the nuts and bolts of policy tradeoffs and coalition building—in an interactive environment with a diverse group of talented peers. The application window is Monday, November 27–Friday, December 15, 2023. More information, as well as the application, can be found here.
Bet on it on substack rather than blogpost is the best decision you made, I scroll substack app daily if not every a few hours. How often I type econlib.org or marginal revolution and hit enter, almost never!
Can only americans apply? I would love to go and it doesn't say aywhere, but on previous year every one comes from american universities