Determinism and Motivated Reasoning
Martin Luther is near the top of my list of Utterly Wrong Thinkers I Enjoy Reading. He writes beautifully, logically, and candidly. In this revealing passage, he explains why he finds free will so emotionally threatening and determinism so emotionally comforting. From The Bondage of the Will:
my own part, I frankly confess that even if it were possible, I should
not wish to have free choice given to me, or to have anything left in my
own hands by which I might strive toward salvation. For, on the one
hand, I should be unable to stand firm and keep hold of it amid so many
adversities and perils and so many assaults of demons, seeing that even
one demon is mightier, than all men, and no man at all could be saved;
and on the other hand, even if there were no perils or adversities or
demons, I should nevertheless have to labor under perpetual uncertainty
and to fight as one beating the air, since even if I lived and worked
to eternity, my conscience would never be assured and certain how much
it ought to do to satisfy God. For whatever work might be accomplished,
there would always remain an anxious doubt whether it pleased God or
whether he required something more, as the experience of all
self-justifiers proves, and as I myself learned to my bitter cost
through so many years. But now, since God has taken my salvation out of
my hands into his, making it depend on his choice and not mine, and has
promised to save me, not by my own work or exertion but by his grace and
mercy, I am assured and certain both that he is faithful and will not
lie to me, and also that he is too great and powerful for any demons or
any adversities to be able to break him or to snatch me from him. “No
one,” he says, “shall snatch them out of my hand, because my Father who
has given them to me is greater than all” *John 10:28 f.]. So it comes
about that, if not all, some and indeed many are saved, whereas by the
power of free choice none at all would be saved, but all would perish
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